WW200 700 hrs - throwing grease

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WW200 700 hrs - throwing grease

Post by A2022 »

at 700 hrs my WW200 was throwing grease, so I had it serviced and that took care of it. the prop now has 1188 hrs and is doing fine, not throwing grease. when I serviced the prop I also changed to a Jhostrol gov that is more stable than my old MT. I am hoping to go well beyond 700 hrs on this service interval. I really like the Mccauley prop hub on the WW200. I like its mechanical design. the WW backplate and spinner are epoxy carbon fiber and have been perfect.

this is what the prop looked like when it was throwing grease at 700 hrs. very small grease streamlines at the hub making grease spots on the right-hand side of the canopy. I ran across these photo's as I was cleaning my computer and thought I would post them before deleting.

several years ago, I was happy to do some volunteer stress analysis work for WW on one of their new hubs that was having a problem. I think I helped them as they made some of the recommended changes. there are a lot of benefits associated with using carbon fiber propeller blades.




huge carbon fiber blades. I was the stress guy for the prototype for these blades. running the test at Boeing Seattle in the anechoic test chamber on a NASA rig. I remember having to cross the picket line. I think they have shipped about 3000 of these engines now and they go for about 25 million each. if you buy in quantity, you probably get a discount... :)

Steve Melton
N531EM, RV9A, Superior O-320, WW 200RV prop, Slick mags, CHT 330F, EGT 1300F, B&C, 1200+ hours
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