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Stupid question1 of 1000000000, how do you avoid creep

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:48 am
by clreding
Ok I think this is my first stupid question. I know I am probably opening a can of worms but after reading and reading and forgetting (im getting old) and re-reading i have decided on my plan.

Wanting to avoid dangerous chemicals around the house whenever possible i have decided against Alodine. I have used it before repairing simple corrosion on my 172 but that was at the airport not at the house.

Still wanting some sort of conversion coat before priming I am using the Sanchem 6100 product.

Now finally for the stupid question. For those of you doing conversion coats on your skins how are you keeping the chemicals from creeping under the blue protective plastic that you did not strip from the top of the skin?

Alodine certainly is corrosive unless rinsed off completely; I would guess that the CC6100 product could be as well.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:31 am
by smithhb

Although the SanChem is not as toxic as Alodine, it must still be rinsed off thoroughly. Here is what I did...

I removed the plastic from the skin first and then treated. I left the plastic on the skin side I was not treating. I had no SanChem penetration under the plastic on the other side.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:01 pm
by clreding
I was hoping that it was as simple as that

Thank you