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OK to leave primer on the tips?

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:58 pm
by bruceh
I've been working on the final finishing up of the various wing and empennage tips. Sanded the gelcoat down smooth, filled some defects with micro, sanded again, and this weekend I shot some UV Smooth Prime on them. This stuff is really thick, even when applying a few light coats. I plan on running some more sand paper over everything to get them all smoothed out again.

My question is what comes next? I don't have any immediate plans to do the final paint job. I want to get flying first. Do I need to put some sort of paint or sealer on these before I fly? I'm tempted to hit them with some glossy rattle can paint for a little bit of color (I hate the plain white look). I realize that what ever I put on in the interim would get stripped off for final paint. I just don't want to make more work for me if the UV Smooth Prime is going to be OK on the fiberglass for a while.

The cowling is going to be lots of fun to prep and sand and fill and sand... :P