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Kitplanes attack

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:46 pm
by brian
I got an email this morning from a Phil Penny at Belvoir Media Group, claiming that Kitplanes magazine owns the homebuilt plane vendor directory spreadsheet I created this fall from various sources, mainly the Internet. He claims it's theirs because I used similar codes as they did in their "pay-per-view" directory, like "wf" for wood & fabric, "m" for metal, etc. I guess he thought I should have used "Z" for metal and "QP" for wood & fabric. He also objected to the fact that my directory has data similar to theirs. Well, I hope it's similar; otherwise someone has incorrect data; a plane's wingspan, for example, is a rather fixed value.

It's bad enough that these people are so cheap they even charge subscribers to view things on their web page, but this really takes the cake.

Phil threatened to sue me if I don't take it down, and I told Phil it wasn't theirs or copied from theirs, and I won't be taking it down. So, now he's "referring this to our legal counsel". Apparently, there is no limit to their greed.

If anyone wants a copy of it, I suggest getting it now. Also, several people have given me updated info to put into it, so if you know of any incorrect or missing data, please let me know, and I will update it with that info.

I'm only on a couple lists, but if you're on other homebuilder lists, you might want to forward this URL to other lists you are on, so more people can access the directory while it's still available (just in case they are successful if getting it removed).

I put a lot of work into this, as a resource that we can all keep up to date and share. It's a shame there are people and companies like this out there to harass people who are trying to do something decent for everyone.

The directory is at

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:51 pm
by cjensen
Hey Brian! I wondered if you would ever join in the fun over here at Rivetbangers! Welcome aboard!

I follow your site weekly, but haven't checked it since before Christmas...that is a great directory you've put together! I wish you all the best to keep it up and running! Sounds like they don't have much of a case...

Got that Subie started yet??? :wink:

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:59 pm
by brian
Hi Chad!!

Nope - "not quite yet". I have been saying that for SO long. About all I have to do now is pressure test the fuel delivery system from the wing roots to the engine, and it will be ready to start. I've turned it over with the starter, and powered up the ECM and the electric throttle works. Getting VERY close ;-)

I've been sidetracked the last few days getting my console put together.

Glad you've enjoyed the stuff on my site.

Best regards,

wing hangers

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:03 pm
by brian
Hey Chad - I was looking over your web site (added a link to it on my "other builders" page). I really like your pic of hangar wing hangers. Great idea!! I will do that if I ever get a hangar to move into.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:08 pm
by cjensen
Thanks! Those things are stone simple, but nice and sturdy.

I'll add your site to my links page the next time I do an update...hopefully my fuse will be here soon!

Lookin' forward to your first start! 8)

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:01 pm
by captain_john
Hi Brian,

That magazine isn't really one of my "faves" anyways.

Hey, I know that the folks over at would like to know this too.

Start up an account there and tell them about it too!

That is just wrong!

:| CJ