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Van's Newsletter is BORING!

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 7:28 pm
by captain_john
Am I the only one who thinks this?

I mean, sure... anything that says RV on it is better than watching Oprah, but the RVator has no pizazz, tech tips, new tricks, how to build this part stuff or even a trivia question!

I am not subscribing this year as a protest!

What do you think? Could the RVator be done better? I think so.

:roll: CJ

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 8:21 pm
by cjensen
I didn't even read the last one. I flipped thru it, and skimmed the flight reports, but yeah, it's boring.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:12 pm
by captain_john
I am thinking, colorize it.

Maybe also add in a section where they feature an employee whom you may talk to one time or another.

Do a featured builder/plane or something!

I dunno. It needs an overhaul... BADLY!

:( CJ

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:51 pm
by svanarts
I agree. Back in the day when the RVator had plans revisions and building tips it was invaluable. After I flew my RV-4 I didn't find any value in continuing my subscription so I didn't renew it. I just recently resubscribed but I haven't received any issues yet. You confirmed my suspicions though. Actually, I find the RV Builders Hotline FAR more informative and entertaining. At a cost of FREE it is the BEST bargain in RV building. I hope it stays that way.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:55 pm
by captain_john
It kills me because, if they made it better it could be useful to us and a selling tool to boot!

Right now, it is useless.

:( CJ

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 6:18 am
by Spike
Im not shocked that you guys think this. I get it, and read it generally front to back in an hour or so. I find the content pretty good sometimes. Mostly when its technical or has an update on a new product etc.

I think that Vans has shown us many times that what they really care about is creating great performing planes at a reasonable cost. The other stuff isn't nearly as pronounced on their radar.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 12:19 pm
by JohnR
I would agree that it is not all that exciting. It is a good thing that Van's have a great product because they sure aren't a marketing company. If they were I think they would sell a lot more kits but I'm not sure more planes would get completed. Maybe it is good they aren't spending a lot of money on the markting side as we would be the ones paying for it in the long run. :roll:

With that said it would be nice if it was a little higher quality and more interesting when it got here.

Besides who has time to read anyway! Spare moments are supposed to be used to work on the airplane. :o :wink: