Michigan to Louisiana

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Michigan to Louisiana

Post by rockwoodrv9a »

Last Monday my wife and I set off from KTEW - Mason MI to KDTN - Shreveport LA. It was freezing cold - about 20 degrees F and cloudy at 3000. The first hour we had to drop a few times to 2000-2500 to dodge clouds. My RV 9A must have the worst heater of any type of plane ever. I dont think an open cockpit would have been any warmer!

We landed at KFRK - Frankfort IN after flying for an hour to warm up. They have a nice FBO there and nice people. After some hot oatmeal and hot chocolate the sky started opening up. We took off and did a 1800 fpm climb through a hole and were above the clouds at 3500' to sunshine. We flew down to KARG - Walnut Ridge AR to get fuel. We decided to spend the night.

At KARG the manager and her husband greeted us, gave us directions to a hotel, recommendation for dinner, and gave us a nice 1990's Crown Vic to drive. They also had a hangar for us to use for the evening. The airport was an old AFB in WWII and there is a museum there that really looked interesting. I wish we had had time to go through it.

Tuesday morning we took off about 9:30 and headed to KDTN - Shreveport. The weather was warmer and it was nice and sunny with some haze. The haze got pretty thick from lots of burning but still about 15 mile visibility. We made it in just over two hours. KDTN is an interesting place to fly into. I am NOT used to class D and do not land at towered airports very often. On one side is Barksdale AFB and the main Shreveport airport on the other. I was handed off to the tower from flight following when I THOUGHT i had the airport in site. I was lined up for Barksdale! Lucky there were several planes in the pattern and the ATC guy must have known I was screwing up and told me to do a 360 for traffic. I noticed my error when I saw KDTN just in front of me and I was at 3000'! I told him I needed another 360 to descend. After that I made a great landing and got progressive taxi instructions to the hangar I had reserved at Tuberaux Aviation. I was in with a couple Cirrus and a nice Cirrus Jet.

The weather looked like it could be an issue over the weekend so we left a day earlier on Friday. At about 9:00 we took off and climbed to 5500. We were going to get fuel at KARG again but had a nice 15 kt tail wind and decided to change to KCGI - Cape Girardeau MO. About 2:20 later we landed for fuel and a rib eye steak sandwich. The fuel was $4:65 - the best price on the trip. The sandwich was great. We got them to go and started out for the flight home.

From KCGI we set the AP to KTEW. It was about a 3:00 flight. After about an hour we decided we should find a place to walk around and use the facilities. We ended up landing at CFJ - Crawfordsville IN. I topped the tanks and we headed out for the last hour of flight. It started getting pretty hazy as it got close 4:00 in the afternoon and we were glad we were almost home. Landed nicely and put the plane in the hangar.

Things I learned.

1. Having foreflight on my ipad right with the RAM mount on my left was great - especially the taxi and airport diagram.
2. My heater is crap. I need to figure out how to stay warmer or risk my wife not flying with me again
3. Flight following is great. They got me through MOA's class B and right into the busy KDTN airport
4. Tower airports are not as bad as I had feared.
5. I need to make sure I understand how to run LOP and that I am not going too far LOP
6. The cockpit of the 9 is small. Makes me want a Velocity or a 10!

Miles Traveled: 1800+-
Hours of Flight: 10.9
Fuel Used: 86 +-
Landings: 6
Take Offs: 6








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Re: Michigan to Louisiana

Post by A2022 »

Rock, congratulations on your first real long cross country WITH an important passenger in the cool temps! hats off to her. I had no idea she was so pretty; how did you manage that? teamwork in the cockpit is important and I'm sure you used her extra set of eyes. going into a new airport is always a learning experience. seems like you managed it well enough. it gets easier with time but always something new with hiccups. hey, it's an adventure!

I always have my wife looking for stuff, it seems to work, makes her feel like she is making a contribution. I try to make my wife feel like a queen when she flies with me. I load her in the hangar to get her set and then pull the plane out. on the way to airport, I stop and buy her the favorite latte.

Don't underestimate this trip. it was a big lesson along the way.

Rock on!

a dedicated song for you.... I have seen some Navy videos to this song. :) why Navy, simply because they are the best...

M|A|R|R|S - Pump Up The Volume (Official Video)
Steve Melton
N531EM, RV9A, Superior O-320, WW 200RV prop, Slick mags, CHT 330F, EGT 1300F, B&C, 1200+ hours
Freedom and Democracy are all that really matter.
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Re: Michigan to Louisiana

Post by rockwoodrv9a »

I got her heated seat wired up today. When I had Abby at Flightline build my seats I had her put the heaters in but never wired them up. That was stupid!! Now I need to get the boots for the aileron tubes. Im thinking of carpeting the seat pan area to help with air leaks. I think the back panel allows a bunch of air in too.

My hangar partner has a 14 and has 2 heat muffs. Im going to look and see how I can maybe add one of them. His are smaller than mine but that may help me fit a second muff. I need to do an oil change so I will have the cowl off anyway.

As for my wife, she is very pretty. I was a lucky guy when we met in high school. Been married now for 47 years.

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Re: Michigan to Louisiana

Post by A2022 »

aileron actuator tube boots will help a lot.





Steve Melton
N531EM, RV9A, Superior O-320, WW 200RV prop, Slick mags, CHT 330F, EGT 1300F, B&C, 1200+ hours
Freedom and Democracy are all that really matter.
Ride a bike, unlock the world.

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